In a future where humans have vanished, but former pets enjoy augmented intelligence, furr-ever buddy cats Socks and Mittens go where no cat has gone before in this adult absurdist misadventure in space, where they struggle with Time-Cops, Terrorist Birds, Kitt-ler, and their own addiction to catnip.
KITTIES IN SPACE: THE SAGA, written by John Enright, became a cult classic at Otherworld Theatre's annual Paragon Theatre Festival in 2013. Individual episodes from the anthology have been staged at festivals in London and in Bloomington, Illinois, each time to a rapturous reception.
Otherworld Theatre requires proof of full vaccination and eligible boosters to attend any show. Alternatively, a negative PCR test from within 24 hours, or a negative rapid test from the day of the performance will be accepted. Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn during the show.
August 5th through September 11th, 2022
*Performances for Aug. 12, 13, & 14 have been cancelled.
Fridays at 7pm
Saturdays at 7:30pm
Sundays at 3pm
Runtime: approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes
Tickets are $20 and there are a limited number of Pay-What-You-Can Tickets available for each performance.